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Functional Thyroid Assessments & Solutions - Rob Scott, ND

Presenter: Rob Scott, ND

Clinical thyroid disorders can range from generalized hypo or hyper-thyroidism or can manifest as autoimmune thyroid diseases. Thyroid disorders can affect heart rate, mood, energy level, metabolism, bone health, pregnancy and more. Sub-clinical thyroid symptoms can go undiagnosed as well, and cause a variety of chronic issues. Join Dr. Scott for a review of thyroid health basics and a practical approach to addressing this all-to-common patient concern. 

  • Identify and evaluate the common causes of hypo and hyperthyroidism
  • Understand the role the adrenals play in thyroid health 
  • Iodine...discussion of this necessary but controversial nutrient
  • Identify the 10 thyroid patterns from blood work
  • Understand conventional and alternative treatments for thyroid imbalances